Library Info

Checking out Books

Students are allowed to check out up to three print books at a time. The library circulates books for three weeks. If a student has a lost or overdue book, he or she will not be allowed to check out anything else until it is returned, renewed, or paid for.  

Checking Out DVDs

We have a nice sized DVD collection for students to check out! Students may check out one DVD at a time and keep it for up to one week.

eBook Information

eBooks may be borrowed from multiple places. Click here to see the variety of eBooks that are available to you!

Lost & Damaged Library Material

Patrons who lose library material shall be charged the replacement cost. Damaged library material charges shall be based on condition of the material. Click here for information on how to pay for lost library materials.

Leander ISD Library Services Mission

Our mission is to lead our school communities in an environment that challenges students to IMAGINE possibilities, EXPLORE opportunities, and CONNECT with the future and the world.

With an attitude of excellent customer service, LISD librarians envision a future ready library program which ...

Leander ISD Libraries logo


Per 22/23 Student Handbook Updates, the following change was made regarding inter-library loan requests (ILLs)

Students may request to borrow materials from any library in Leander ISD so long as the library matches the same grade level or lower. (Ex: elementary student borrowing from another elementary library or middle school student borrowing from another middle school library or an elementary school library) Should a student want to borrow from a grade level span higher than the current grade span assigned, parent permission would be required via a digitally signed form.

All ILL requests are made through the student’s home campus librarian, and all items will be checked out and returned through the student’s home campus library. ILL items may only be renewed once and lending libraries may deny renewals for high demand items. Students who fail to return interlibrary loan items on time may have ILL privileges restricted or denied.

Checking Out Lunch Passes

Lunch passes are available to be checked out on most days.  Occasionally the Library will be closed or there will not be space available because multiple classes are in.  On days that lunch passes are available, students may come at any point in the school day (prior to lunch) to check out a pass.  If a student has a lost or overdue book, he or she will not be allowed to check out a lunch pass until it is returned, renewed, or paid for.