What is QUEST?

What is QUEST?

QUEST” is an acronym for Quality Utilization and Enrichment of Student Talents.

Leander ISD’s QUEST-G/T Services are designed to meet the needs of identified gifted students who have demonstrated above-average ability in the following two areas of giftedness as defined by the Texas State Plan for the Gifted:

1) high general-intellectual ability at the 95th percentile; and,

2) creative and productive thinking.

QUEST-G/T services are available to LISD students in the elementary through high school grades.

QUEST-G/T services are developmental in scope, with the curriculum addressing core content areas through projects and units that cross multiple subject areas. QUEST-G/T students have the opportunity to investigate topics of interest to them in greater depth and complexity. Students expand their abilities to apply critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, and research skills through individual and group projects, studies and problem-solving units.

QUEST in a Nutshell_2019.pdf