Exam for Acceleration

Before moving forward with an exam for acceleration request, please review "Student Considerations for Advancing in Math." Please also consult with your student's math teacher prior to requesting an exam to see if they feel your student would benefit from accelerating.

Each year, LISD offers students an opportunity to take an Exam for Acceleration (EA) at no cost to the student.  Students and parents can request the exam through their grade level counselor.  Students who are in 5th grade complete registration through their elementary school.  Since LISD does not receive reimbursement for tests taken, students are expected to complete each exam they have registered for and be available during the testing window they have selected.  LISD will only pay for one attempt for an EA.  If students are successful, they must accelerate to the next level of the course they tested in.  If students are not successful on a first attempt and parents desire a re-test, the cost for the second attempt is covered by the family and must be taken during a specific TEA testing window. Your counselor or a district staff member will assist in  completing the form for a retake.   

The deadline for students wishing to accelerate through either an online course or an EA is prior to the first day of school.  Results must be submitted to the grade level counselor by the deadline in order for acceleration to occur for the current school year.

Additional Links and Information

Study Guides

Calculator Guidelines

LISD Exam for Acceleration

Retesting information: If a passing score is not achieved, a second attempt is allowed during a specific testing window per TEA policy.  Second attempt exams may be requested, at the parent's expense, by emailing your student's counselor. Retest scores must be reported to CRMS before the first day of school for correct placement. Student/family is responsible for paying for a retest. 

Note: Students who pass an Exam for Acceleration during the school year will complete the 2023-2024 school year in his/her current class.  Students will receive their acceleration in the 2024-2025 school year.

LISD 2023-2024 Testing Dates

Testing Window One: 

Testing Window Two:

Testing Window Three: 

Testing Window Four:

Student Considerations for Advancing in Math-STUDENT