Richard Dean Eckley

Economics - Football - Wrestling

Teacher, Coach, Nap Hobbyist

iowa native, wrestling coach, marine.


A Day

Period 1 - Freshman Football

Period 2 - Conference 

Period 3 - Economics

Period 4 - Wrestling

B Day

Period 5 - Freshman Football

Period 6 - Economics

Period 7 - Economics

Period 8 - Wrestling

Grading Policy

Daily/Quizzes - 50%

Tests/Projects - 50%

Tests: Retake for an average of the two grades.  Ex: 1st attempt: 50 2nd attempt 100; new grade = 75

Quizzes: No retakes 

Tutorial Times

By Appointment

Syllabus (link)

You can reach me at the following:


Extension: x41327