Jennifer Perry


Dr. Jennifer Perry, Principal

A Message For The Students:

Boys and girls,

I know learning looks very different right now, but our time apart won't last forever. Before you know it, we will all be back at LDE sharing stories of what we were doing at home during this time. I can't wait to hear about all the exciting adventures you had and the creative ways in which you were learning with your families.

One of the best things you can do while at home is to practice your 7 Habits. "Be Proactive" and create a daily schedule, or "Synergize" by helping your family around the house with some daily chores. Remember, there is a leader in each of you and in times like this, your leadership truly shines!

A Message For The Parents:

Moms, Dads, Grandparents, and Guardians,

You are doing an amazing job. Life is throwing us for a loop, but we will all get through it together. There is no right or perfect way to create a learning environment at home while trying to balance the daily routines of life. So take a deep breath, relax, and know that your child's teacher is here to work with you in any way that you need. Whether you need assistance with meals, technology at home, explanations of assignments, or additional resources, your child's teacher is just an email away. If all else fails, spend time with your child doing all the things we all wish we had more time to do like cooking together, crafting together, playing outside together, etc. I feel certain that once we return to a regular schedule and life is back to normal, we will look back and miss the extra gift of time with our kids that we have now. Stay positive, stay healthy, and hug your kiddo for us...we are not the same without their sweet smiles!

LDE Final Announcement

End of Year Announcement Video

Here is an end of year message from our student announcement team!

We miss you all so much!

We Miss You!

Check out this video from LDE teachers and staff.

We love and miss you!