Gorsuch West PBIS

Principal: Jon SpiresAssistant Principal: Dennis Love

What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports?

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to supporting students to be successful in schools. PBIS was developed from research in the fields of behavior theory and effective instruction. PBIS supports all students through intervention ranging from a school-wide system to a system for developing individualized plans for specific students. School-wide PBIS focuses on the development and implementation of pro-active procedures and practices to prevent problem behavior for all students and improve school climate.

Meet The Team

Jocelyn Jackson Molly Saheli

Elizabeth Flowers - (Intervention Manager) Jeff Fisher

Ashley Henwood Kevin Boyer - (Facilitator)

Laura Brown - (Recorder) Dennis Love

Tammie Furness - (Reporter) Shane Hart - (Data Manager)

Kayla Hoag (Parent)

What are the responsibilities of the School-wide PBIS team?

  • Hold PBIS meetings on-site once per month to plan and coordinate school-wide behavior systems. The team is responsible for planning PBIS activities and programs (such as PBIS Kick-Off, booster lessons of school rules, and acknowledgment programs) and continually monitoring and updating PBIS programs.

  • Attending district-wide meetings and trainings to promote the continuing development and maintenance of PBIS programs at your school.

  • Present PBIS news at staff meetings to keep staff up to date with school PBIS programs and receive input and feedback from staff.

  • The PBIS Team Leader is responsible for facilitating monthly PBIS meetings onsite and providing behavior data to assist in decision making.

The following pages describe the School-wide PBIS plans and programs for this year. It is expected that all school staff will be active participants in the school-wide programming, including General Education and Special Education staff, Certified and Classified staff, bus drivers and cafeteria and custodial staff, even volunteers and substitute teachers.