[Course Resources]

Resources are available to students who need additional instruction. Teachers will make announcements to their students via their Google classroom or Google site.

Teachers provide supplementary materials to assist students with completing projects and assignments in Edgenuity as well as enrichment materials to extend the lessons. Students who get stuck on a lesson or assignment should go to the Google Classroom or Site for that course to see if the teacher has provided directions, explanations, or additional lectures on the lesson before messaging the teacher.

LCVS Google Classrooms & Sites


Mrs. Harrison's site has resources to supplement lessons in Edgenuity.


coming soon


Algebra I w/Prob coming soon

Alg. w/ Finance Pankey amnawea

Algebra II w/ Stats Pankey ekojyzh

Precalculus Pankey khtwqr7

Geometry w/ Data Pankey zwx5jjo


The list of electives is labeled with the teacher who monitors each course. You will schedule tests for these courses with the assigned teacher using Setmore.