The Career Centre is located in the heart of Holy Rosary High School. Drop by and get to know us. We would love to help you explore your future career options.
Mrs. Orieux
Mme. Kreese
Mr. Almond
If you are looking for dates relating to Post-Secondary or Scholarships, look no further, they can be found here:
Coordinate career and employment preparation services to grade 8-12 students attending Holy Rosary High School through projects, activities, and events that will prepare them for the transition from school to work or post-secondary education.
That the students become aware of the career and educational options open and available to them upon graduating from Holy Rosary High School.
Connect students to employers/business/industry and post-secondary training institutions to assist them with their career planning.
Provide Career Counselling services, information, and tools to support career planning services to youth in school.
Interest Inventories: Every student in grades 8-12 will have the opportunity to complete an interest inventory.
Surveys regarding future plans and career paths: Three times a year for grade 12 and once a year for grade 11.
Individual meetings with all grade 12 regarding future plans and career paths: Provide assistance on an individual basis as they began this journey.
Resume building
Job interviews preparedness
Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED Courses.
Finding money for your after high school program: Scholarships – (How to find them and apply for them). Government student loans programs. Local bank and credit union programs.
Step Ahead Program – (Detail career exploration with community mentorship)
Health Field
Education/Early Childhood
Trades/ Apprenticeship
Tours to U of S, U of A, Lakeland College (Lloydminster and Vermilion), etc.
Working with post-secondary institutions to provide presentations about their school and programs they offer to students here at Holy Rosary.
Local Career Fairs
Local Try-A-Trade and Career Expo
Provincial Try-A-Trade and Technology Career Fair
Take students to local College Days Showcase
Provide opportunities for students to learn about and partake in different careers and career opportunities, for example:
Community Services
Apprenticeship and the Trades
Provide Opportunity for students to investigate the trades in Alberta and Saskatchewan
RAP (Alberta- Registered Apprenticeship Program)
SYA (Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship Program)