A Brief History

After nearly a decade of diverse and dynamic productions, Woodgrove Theatre will go into this season with a new hope of community. We bring a season of family-friendly, light-hearted fun! Join us for one or more of the talent-filled, student-driven productions! Buy tickets for our current season here.

"Woodgrove High School, located in beautiful Purcellville, Virginia opened in August of 2010. " As previous Director David Noland described. Our current program strives to uphold the Loudoun County High School mission of "Empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world" -LCPS Mission Statement. As well as promote the value system of Woodgrove High School to work with integrity, honor others, and strive for success. "The Mission of Woodgrove High School is to enable all members of the school community to think critically and act responsibly, while preparing students for their futures." Thank you for supporting the performing arts!

-Current Director, Addie Schafer, 2019

"Woodgrove High School, located in beautiful Purcellville, Virginia opened in August of 2010. Over the course of our existence we have sought to develop a thriving Performing Arts environment that seeks to help students gain confidence, set new goals related to their performing arts journey, and achieve at their highest level. As the school opened in 2010 we had just two Theatre Arts classes that were mixed with all areas of performance and tech blended together. In our Fourth year we were able to achieve a full set of 5 Performing and Technical classes. As we move into the future our hope is to expand our program and include a wide variety of courses and offerings that meet every student's needs. We look forward to working with the community to foster an environment that helps students understand the importance of the high school theatre experience.

Each year Woodgrove Performing Arts chooses one main stage show and instead produces this show in the Black Box. During the 2013-2014 school year, Director David Noland and the students of Woodgrove Performing Arts set out to create a second smaller performance space at Woodgrove High School. This smaller space, dubbed The Black Box Theatre, began its journey shortly thereafter. Woodgrove families began to donate funds and become sponsors of the new space. A $500 donation 'buys' a seat for the space and permits the donor to choose someone to honor with a gold nameplate on the arm of this chair. Past donors have included parents, students, community members and community businesses.

During the 2018-20119 school year we will present our first original theatrical work. Written by 2018 graduate Lily Forrester, The Great Grifter, draws inspiration from F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. This script is Lily's first and will be presented with two other one-act plays directed by current Woodgrove seniors. We look forward to bringing these three productions to you on February 15th and 16th, 2019. "

-Previous Director, David Noland 2010-2019

Previous Awards:

  • 2013 VHSL Conference 21 Champions

  • 2015 VHSL Conference 21W Runners-Up

  • 2015 Virginia Thespian Society Mainstage Award

  • 2015 Virginia Thespian Society One-Act Award​

  • 2017 VHSL 4C Section 1 Runners-Up

  • 2019 & 20 Forensics 2nd place Regionals

Our previous website is hosted here.