Technology In My Class


Depending on the assignment, I use a mixture of high technology, such as Chromebooks, and low technology -- good old fashioned paper and pencil. All students should come to class prepared to use either. I often also use smart phones ("Handys" in German), but there will almost always be a Chromebook alternative. If you prefer to not have your student use their "Handy" all of the time, or if your student is device-grounded, please just let me know.

Students should follow LCPS guidelines for appropriate use and Digital Citizenship when using personal devices or those issued by LCPS.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Device Usage Agreement

Digital Citizenship: LCPS uses lessons from Common Sense Media to teach students about the safe and ethical use of digital tools.

Apps and Extensions I Use in My Classroom

In addition to the apps available through LCPS Go, Students use the following apps or extensions as they strive toward deeper learning using Project Based Learning, and the 5 Cs of 20th Century Learning. If you have suggestions of apps you've used elsewhere, let me know!

ClassDojo is a classroom communication app used to share reports between parents and teachers. It connects parents and teachers on a student's conduct and performance through real-time reports as well as a feed for photos and videos during the school day.
I also use it to create ad hoc groups and randomize which students I call on.
Remind is a private mobile messaging platform that enables teachers, parents, students, and administrators in K–12 schools to communicate with everyone at once.
I will post REMINDERS of upcoming tests and assignments here not Google Classroom, where the assignments themselves are posted.
This is also my preferred way to communicate with you and your student, rather than email, with a question regarding an assignment or whatever. I get a lot of email, and some of it randomly gets sent to "Junk," which I absolutely do not consider our communication.
Used in tandem with the Doctopus Add-on for Google Sheets, the Goobric web app enables flexible, efficient rubric-based grading of Google Drive resources (Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Folders, etc.) Assignment rubrics with your student's performance and comments are returned via Google Classroom.
Yabla provides access to "authentic" videos -- native speakers, German TV shows -- both as assignments AND just if your student wants to watch German videos for fun.
Quizlet is a mobile and web-based study application that allows students to study information via learning tools and games, such as flashcards and various games and tests.
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in schools and other educational institutions. Its learning games, "Kahoots", are multiple-choice quizzes that allow user generation and can be accessed via a web browser or the Kahoot app.
Quizizz is a mobile and web-based study app that helps teachers conduct student-paced formative assessments in a game platform.
I like it because it has good reports and can be locked down during testing to prevent cheating.
Engages students with videos through in-video comprehension quizzes. It is great for "flipped classes" (students watch the video at home and are ready to talk about it in class). I select the videos and write the quizzes. Great for formative assessments.