Addressing the Weather

I have made a project that will help students decide what to wear for the day based on the weather, temperature, and activities they are doing for the day.

This game is pretty straight forward. You press the Start button and the instructions screen will pop up. The Instructions include:

  1. Please read the directions carefully
  2. Push the arrows to get to the next pages (temperature, clothing, credits, etc.)
  3. Read the titles carefully
  4. If you get 'not possible' for what you should wear go to the end and click the retry button and restart.

After that the wolf will ask you if the weather is sunny clear, sunny cloudy, rainy, stormy, cloudy, or snowy. You answer by entering the word exactly as said. For example, “stormy”. After that you will get to a temperature screen. Click the arrow and type in the temperature. Then, you will get to a screen asking you what type of activities you are doing today (outdoor or indoor). Click one. Following that, you will have the option to click if the work is heavy, light, or you will be relaxing. Click the one that best fits the activity. After that, the wolf will ask you what city you live in. You may enter a random one. For example, “Bark York”. Then, the weather channel will turn on and tell you what you should wear. Following that, click the arrow to get to the credit page. Do the same to the credit page (click the arrow). Then, you will reach the ending page. If you would like to restart the game, click the restart button. Enjoy!