What is PEER?

We are a teen-to-teen confidential counseling program that also raises awareness on teen issues and works on developing programs to encourage positive experiences in educational relationships.

Is PEER a class?

Yes, we meet as a class every A day during third block. It is a non-credit class, but we have a strict training curriculum and other LCPS developed programs that we participate in. It is not a study hall.

Do I have to take it all year?

Yes. Because of the amount of training required, you must dedicate a full year to the PEER program. (It takes the place of a study hall in your schedule)

What kind of students are encouraged to apply?

If you are compassionate, understanding and like to listen to others, then PEER is the program for you!

If you like to:

· Be involved in making our school a more positive place

· Meet new students and help them to feel at home at Broad Run

· Help other students to deal with frustrating situations: school, teachers, assignments, etc.

· Help other students to manage stress and anger or deal with loss through death, divorce, or break-ups

· Learn about and help other students with common teen issues