Early Release for Senior Students
Seniors who have met various state and school board criteria can apply for Early Release for their Senior year. Students on Early Release are to leave school grounds immediately after their last class through the main doors. During SOL and AP testing or other occasions that require revised schedules which result in a later dismissal, students with Early Release must make appropriate arrangements so that they can attend classes.
Avoiding the Revocation of Early Release
Students are reminded that Early Release is a privilege that may be revoked for various reasons. The purpose of revoking a student’s Early Release is to be able to give them the in-person academic support that they need. In order to maintain this privilege, students must:
Have passed all SOL tests required for graduation
Maintain a C average in courses required for graduation
Have not committed any rules infractions that would have resulted in In-School Restriction or Out-of-School Suspension
Senior grades are checked at the end of every quarter. If a student does not meet the requirements for early release, then it is revoked for the following quarter. Students will have the opportunity to earn back their early release if they meet the requirements by interim time.