Build your resume

There are many websites that will help you build your resume. The easiest way will be to utilise LCPS resources using Naviance. Once you create your resume, you could use the same content to create a LinkedIn account. 

 The resume feature will help you complete the activities portion of your college applications and can also be useful when applying for part-time and summer jobs. As soon as you get access to Naviance, you can start adding information to it. Here are step-by-step instructions to create your resume: 

Log in

Go to the “About Me” section

Select “My Stuff” in drop down menu

Click on “resume”

Click on the big red “+” symbol to start.

Include as much detail as you can in every category — there’s plenty of room.

Add to each section of resume.

When you’re ready to print, you can customize it:

Customize your printable resumes by choosing one of the templates.

Name the document (for example, Mary’s athletic resume).

Select and arrange content.

Choose the information you want to print. You can include References information or not.

Save the resume. You can then edit, download as a PDF or a Microsoft Word document.

Select the document you want to print under “My Saved Resumes.”

Edit (pencil icon) if you want to make changes.


You can save as many versions as you want of your resume in different format. 

Include every activity you can think of--you can always select the ones you want to print later. If you do a one-day fundraising walk, participate in a math competition as a sophomore, or coach a youth soccer team, type it in. Naviance will store the information until you need it. You can also customize different resumes. For example, you can print out a specific document for athletics, performing arts or work experience.