LCPS Virtual
Independent Science Research and Geospatial Science Symposia


Welcome to first Virtual DE GMU Independent Science Research and JMU Geospatial Symposia webpage. We are excited that even in these extraordinary times, our amazing students will be able to share their work with our university partners (George Mason University and James Madison University), LCPS, and our community. Within these pages you will find the products our students have produced this past year as part of their Independent Science Research Class or Geospatial Class.

JMU Geospatial Symposium

Geospatial Science is a dual enrollment course through James Madison University. Each year, students complete a final project on a topic of their choosing, which are designed to connect students, technology, and their community. In the past, students would be bused to James Madison University to present their work to faculty. In addition, student work would have the opportunity to be displayed at events such as the Loudoun GIS Forum and the ESRI User Conference Map Gallery. Due to the circumstances this year, students will not have the opportunity to have their work displayed at these events. We are happy to display student work this year with the community beginning on May 26th.

GMU Independent Science Research Symposium

In the GMU Independent Science Research Symposium you will find science and/or engineering projects poster and video presentations describing the work the students completed. Students were required to identify a research or engineering question by summarizing the literature, design an investigation to answer the research question, and collect and analyze the data to answer the research question. Most students were able to complete these tasks before the pandemic disrupted their work. The rest of the students were able to generate the research questions and experimental design in preparation for completing the project.

With guidance from their teacher, students self-selected into a category established for the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair. Each project is assigned an identifying project number that is used in the name of the files they submitted.Each student submitted two PDF documents. The first is a poster of their project and the second is a short, narrated slide presentation highlighting the major points of the project.