LCHS Library IMC

Welcome to the LCHS Library IMC page! You will find links for many of the library's offerings, including books, databases, and research tools. If you have any questions, need help locating books or resources, or can't find something, please email Mrs. Curry.

Our high school library is part of the Illinois Heartland Library System. That means that you can search for and check out books that our library owns and has in stock. But, if we don't have what you are looking for, you can request it from another IHLS library. See the requests section for the form to request a book from another member library.


Library Catalogs

Use this option to search for a book in our library or to search for a book within the Illinois Heartland Library System. On the left side under Assigned Branch, check the box for Lincoln Community High School to see what our library has in the collection. Click the box next to Available Now to view only what is currently in stock. If your book is unavailable in our library, but in stock in another member library, you can request it!

Use this option to search for a book from our network of academic libraries. This would be a good option for research, but not a great option for finding a fun new fiction novel!

Need helping figuring out series books? A numbered list of series books can be found here.


No login required for on-campus access. See Mrs. Curry or send me an email for the off-campus login information.

Visit the Gale Database page for more information and video tutorials on all of the Google integration features.

New! Customized Book Recommendations

Submit the form and have customized book recommendations sent directly to your inbox! Click here!

Library Staff

Mrs. Curry, Library Media Specialist

Mrs. Meinershagen, Library Assistant
