6th Grade World Studies

0.0 Pacing Guide 2022
0.0 Social Studies Curriculum Map 2022-23

Please Join My Remind!

Text @c8cehc to 81010. I will use the Remind app to send out important notifications. Parents please join as well!


Please email me any questions or concerns.



Each student will be expected to have a three ring binder for this class. Each student should be prepared to take notes every day. Your weekly literature will be an essential tool to guide notes given each day.

0.0 6th Grade Daily Schedule

Google Classroom

Please have students sign up for Google Classroom by period. Class assignments, instructional material and announcements will be made through Google Classroom.

Google Classroom Codes:

3rd Period- ejiyde6

4th Period- ng2xatb

5th Period- m5hfbuz

6th Period-ku5etb2