Unity In Marriage

Two Becoming One

August 23-24

This conference will equip you to apply biblical truths that have been used at the center to help many couples be refreshed, reconnect and some reconcile from seemingly hopeless situations. Whether your marriage is in conflict, coasting, or cruising - you will be taught biblical insights and practical steps to powerfully improved your marital unity.

Join us at Grace Community Baptist, or watch our simulcast or at-your-own-pace!

Friday, August 23, 7pm-8:30pm / Saturday, August 24, 9am-12pm

The soil of your marriage will be saturated with biblical insights and practical tools that can revitalize your own marriage, and at the same time enhance your ability to intensively disciple those in need of marital help.

Certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

Couples who attend often give testimony like the following,

“We could not believe how deeply the Holy Spirit spoke to our hearts about changes we needed to make … this has forever impacted our marriage.”

The entire "Unity in Marriage" Course is in two sections, 1) "God and Me in Marriage", and 2) "Two Becoming One". The "God and Me" section teaches you how to join God as he is working to change you in your marriage. The "Two Becoming One" section teaches you how to join God as he is working to promote unity in your marriage. This weekend focuses on what has proved to be the most impact sessions from the course, but you will have opportunity to access the entire course videos for an additional $25 after the conference at your own pace.

Please contact us with any questions: email us now - (843)278-0072 - www.lcbcc.org


Ephesians 4:3 commands us to "preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" which implies that that it is the Holy Spirit's job to produce unity, it is our job to promote it. When we try to do His job, we fail at our job. You and I can not make anyone change, but we can create a spiritual and relational environment that will persuasively promote positive change in the person and in the relationship.

While serving as a pastor for over 10 years, Tim experienced first-hand the challenges of caring for God’s people as they underwent extreme conflict and crises. He now has spent more than 20 years in counseling and equipping counselors to meet the needs of people in crisis. Tim began LCBCC in 2003 to help God's people meet offer a biblical alternative to the typical modern approach to counseling. LCBCC has grown to six counselors, an online school of counseling, a research center housing hundreds of tools for biblical counseling, and hundreds of testimonies of how the Word of God through the power of the Spirit can change lives.

LCBCC ministry is committed to providing counseling, training, resources and partnerships to develop effective biblical counseling ministry (i.e. intensive discipleship) in and through the body of Christ. Currently LCBCC employs six staff counselors, assisted by several volunteer team counselors. LCBCC conducts onsite and online trainings regularly that are certified by ACBC.