Rogers Middle School

Home Learning Opportunities

Principal Message:

To all Rogers Students and Families,

Thank you for being you! Over the past few weeks and for many weeks to come we have and are experiencing a unique situation which will challenge each and every one of us. As we embark on our new journey, I was reminded of the research from Angela Duckworth on GRIT. Grit has been defined as courage, strength of character, determination, endurance, and perseverance. I know our students and staff all have GRIT and our grit will ensure we succeed.

This new situation will require all of us to learn. Teachers and school staff will learn new methods to provide you with learning opportunities. You will learn new ways to access information, manage your time, set goals and communicate in new ways to reach your goals.

Please know, we all miss you! School is not the same without you! Beginning this week, we will be utilizing our new Home Learning Opportunities web page to provide you with opportunities to continue your education. This page will have links to our school, your teachers, and other curricular resources. Be sure to take time to explore these pages and links to find everything you need.

We want to continue to communicate with you and to hear from you regularly so that we may support you in your continued learning. Please utilize the information provided to access information from your teachers through Google Classroom or School Loop and use the School Loop email to send us any questions you may have.

We are here for you!

Be Ready, Responsible, and Respectful!

Mr. Wood

Learning Opportunities by Subject

Students Joining a LBUSD Google Classroom

Step-by-Step Guide


Students Joining a Google Classroom Main.pdf

Step-by-Step Guide


Students Joining a Google Classroom Main_Spanish.pdf