
Home Learning Opportunities

May 26, 2020

Greetings Naples families,

As we approach the end of the school year, we are filled with mixed emotions. This is understandable, considering all that has occurred since March 13, 2020. This weekend we will share our last Monday Morning Assembly for the 19-20 school year. Our spring Student Council will share updates and wishes for our community. On June 10, we will share a virtual promotion recognition for our 5th grade students and families. Thank you to all who have sent words of support and appreciation to teaching and administrative staff. This outreach has been so encouraging and positive.

While there are many unknowns about the year ahead, let us all try to stick together and support one another. The input you provide on the parent surveys, as well as teacher survey results, will be valuable to the District, as we work to develop safe, supportive plans for returning to school. If you have not completed the survey yet, you will receive reminders, with a link, twice a week from PanoramaEd. If you have not received an email from this source, check your spam or junk mail or please contact our office for support.

Our Naples office staff is available to support enrollment and questions. We are currently unpacking and setting up the office and common areas for the new school year. You can reach office staff at our regular office number, (562) 433-0489. If you are unable to reach someone at this number, please call our GoogleVoice number, (562) 317-4852, which we will continue to support for a while longer as well.

Families will be asked to return textbooks, library books and instruments on the following dates: Wednesday, June 3, 4th and 5th graders only, return their instruments and textbooks to the school library between 12-2. 5th graders will also receive their promotion certificates on this day. Monday and Tuesday, June 8 and 9, students in grades TK-3 and any remaining 4th and 5th graders, return textbooks and library books following the staggered, alpha schedule we provided for student material pick up earlier this month. All textbook returns will be dropped off in our library at the primary site. A SchoolMessenger notice will be sent out to remind families of these details.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your hard work and support for students and our school community. We look forward to being back together, on one campus, once again.

With care and appreciation,

Mrs. Uribe

Congratulations Max Medina for being nominated as our 19-20 Most Inspiring Student. Max will attend the virtual MIS Awards Ceremony, Thursday, May 28.

Principal Viewing Recommendations:

Staying Connected - Please go to the tab up top!

Enrichment, Exploration, Fun! - Please go to tab up top!

Teacher List

Find your classroom teacher below. Copy their "Google Join Code". Go to the "studentLBUSD" portal then find Google Classroom within the G Suite tile. Join their Google Classroom by entering your teacher's Google "Join Code".


Student help joining a LBUSD Google Classroom

Step-by-Step Guide


Students Joining a Google Classroom Main.pdf

Step-by-Step Guide


Students Joining a Google Classroom Main_Spanish.pdf