Hudson K8

Home Learning Opportunities

Principal message...

Dear Hudson Families,

As we plan for an extended period of school closure, I want to assure you that Hudson's teachers and support staff continue to prioritize our students' well-being. I have thoroughly enjoyed greeting families during our daily meal distribution; however, I miss seeing all Hudson students participating in academic and social learning on campus. I am proud of the progress students have made this year and I am excited to share additional learning opportunities that are available through an online platform. On this page you will find "join codes" to the Google Classrooms that have been created by Hudson's teachers. Each Google Classroom has learning opportunities designed to support your children's progress toward meeting grade level standards. While these learning opportunities will not be graded, they will promote your children's academic growth in preparation for their return to school. It is a privilege to serve as your principal. Please feel free to contact me through School Loop or my district email for support in accessing this valuable resource.

With warm regards,

Ms. Colburn

Elementary Teacher List

Find your classroom teacher below. Copy their "Google Join Code". Go to the "studentLBUSD" portal then find Google Classroom within the G Suite tile. Join their Google Classroom by entering your teacher's Google "Join Code".


Middle School Learning Opportunities by Subject

Students Joining a LBUSD Google Classroom

Step-by-Step Guide


Students Joining a Google Classroom Main.pdf

Step-by-Step Guide


Students Joining a Google Classroom Main_Spanish.pdf