THREE QUESTIONS FOR Stanislaus Tuholski

April 27, 2021

Stanislaus Tuholski, the Lab’s Strategic Infrastructure Planning Officer, considers himself a lifelong learner. He is always finding ways to broaden his understanding of operations, management, and the needs of the research community. Stan spent nine years at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory before coming to Berkeley Lab, where he has held roles as Deputy Division Director for Facilities, Department Head of Design and Construction, and has acted as the Deputy Chief Operating Officer for Projects.

In his current role, Stan is responsible for translating Berkeley Lab’s science mission into infrastructure requirements and creating the accompanying development strategy. Beyond his extensive project execution and planning experience within the Department of Energy, he holds a PhD in Projects and Engineering from UC Berkeley and lectures in the Spring semester on campus.

Stan has three children, is an active Assistant Scoutmaster for the Boys Scouts of America, and enjoys quiet getaways with his wife, Margaret.

You are the Laboratory Strategic Infrastructure Planning Officer. What exactly is your role at Berkeley Lab?

I’m responsible for coordinating and integrating ongoing and future science needs with the built environment at the Lab. I plan and prioritize infrastructure modernization projects and coordinate these efforts with internal and external stakeholders. Specifically, there is a great deal of planning involved in translating infrastructure needs to support the Annual Lab Planning process. I work closely with Science and Operations Areas to develop near term and strategic plans for facility renovations and construction.

A very large part of my role is partnership and collaboration. I enjoy the close partnerships developed with Lab colleagues over the years. I especially appreciate the opportunity to support emerging science initiatives and partnering to plan for future facility development. I recognize that teamwork is essential to the planning process and appreciate the diversity of backgrounds and specialized skills the Lab assembles for these projects.

What is your favorite part of your job?

It is an amazing feeling walking through a newly constructed or renovated facility, observing all of the occupants working hard at accomplishing mission deliverables. Many of these projects will have a lifespan approaching 50 years and it is rewarding to consider the positive impact this work will have on generations of scientists to come.

In your role, you help plan the Lab of the future. What does Berkeley Lab look like 90 years from now?

The key for our Operations and Infrastructure team is to listen closely to the anticipated science needs for the future. It is only through developing an understanding of science trends that infrastructure plans are created to meet these future needs. It is also important to set all conventional understanding aside when forecasting future needs with an eye toward transformational improvements in how we support science.

If I had a superpower it would be the ability to stay positive through both good and tough times. This positive outlook is rooted in the expectation that as a lab community, there is nothing we can’t overcome together. I’ve seen we are at our best when we expect great results and harness our best effort when we all work closely together. This community strength will serve us well as we chart our mission approach into the future.