Tabletop SEM

Staff Contacts: Anne Pham (

Instrument Location: 67-4203A

Safety Points

  • You must be authorized to work under the "work on 4th floor" WPC activity (MF-0001) to operate this instrument.

  • Your staff contact must approve the materials you will be measuring.

  • NO sample prep is allowed in lab 4203A.

  • The videos provided here offer guidance on using the instrument, but you must still coordinate with the staff member listed above to schedule a formal training.

Standard Operating Procedure

This video describes the general use of the Phenom Pro Tabletop SEM located in the Inorganic Facility of the Molecular Foundry. The instructions here cover sample prep and loading, using the standard microscope mode, the electron microscope mode, and adjusting the standard settings.

EDS Attachment Procedure

This video describes the use of the EDS attachment of the Tabletop SEM and is great for those who are already familiar with the standard operation of this instrument. The instructions assume familiarity with the SEM software, and describe how to collect both single point and mapping data.


Q: I'm confused about how to retrieve my data. Where are my saved SEM images stored?

A: All SEM images are saved on the USB attached to the front lower right side of the SEM. Feel free to remove the USB to transfer the images to your laptop (and delete them from the memory stick), then immediately replace it on the SEM. If you are looking for you EDS results, that data is all stored in the computer attached to the right-most monitor. You can use your own USB to transfer the data or email yourself the results.

Q: Why won't the sample compartment door lock?

A: This is the most common issue we have with the SEM. If the system isn't locking you can lift the door up about half an inch and then push it back down. This nearly always fixes the problem. If not, let one of the contact staff know and we will investigate further.

Q: Can I run a sample that is just a little bit wet or oily?

A: NO! Please, never attempt to look at wet or oily samples on the SEM. All powders and films must be completely dry and free of powders that can flake off when put under vacuum.

Q: What do I do if the SEM or EDS computer freezes? Should I restart it?

A: Walk away from the instrument and get in touch with one of the staff contacts listed above. You should not attempt to fix problems (such as stuck sample door or frozen computer) by yourself.

Q: Someone is on the instrument but my name is reserved on the calendar. What do I do?

A: If you are on the calendar then you have the right to use the tool. It's okay to remind people of this rule and ask them to leave... or ask one of the staff to step in. We don't mind enforcing the rules! :-)

Looking for a printable manual to help you take notes? Look no further than here:

Phenom TableTop SEM Manual