Fangchao Song

I am Fangchao, currently a postdoctoral scholar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with Dr. Adam Arkin. I am working on developing high throughput method to reveal bacterial interactions in complex microbial community and profile the microbial physiology in different nutrients and environments, under the project of Ecosystems and Networks Integrated with Genes and Molecular Assemblies (ENIGMA).

I completed my Ph.D in Chemical Engineering with Dr. Dacheng Ren at Syracuse University, where I worked on understanding the mechanism of how bacteria interact with surfaces and how bacteria tolerate antibiotics, as well as designing new technology to inhibit biofilm formation and bacterial persistence. Since then, I had been fascinated by the complexity and orderliness of microbiome, and enthusiastic about designing new method by combining experiments and modeling to better understand the function and dynamics of microbiome. This lead me to my postdoctoral research.

Prior to coming to Syracuse, I received my master in Chemical Engineering at Zhejiang University, where I worked on Green Polymerization Process and Polymer Product in State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering with Dr. Linbo Wu. I got my bachelor's in Chemical Engineering at Shandong University.

Besides this, I am interested in applied mathematics, computer science, and bioinformatics. I got first prize in Chinese Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, and obtained a series of trainings in bioinformatics, including Microbial Community Analysis workshop, Genome Assembly Workshop, and Genome-Wide Association Analysis workshop in UC Davis Genome Center, Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics for a certified IMG user in Joint Genome Institute, and Multi-Scale Microbial Modeling Dynamics Summer School at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. I am also a Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Synthetic Biology Course alumni (Class of 2017).