Surface and Interface Science: From Vacuum to Operando


It is our pleasure to invite you to a one-day Symposium, “Surface and Interface Science: From Vacuum to Operando,” which will take place on Friday, September 13, 2019, at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.

The meeting will focus on the evolution of surface and interface science from its early days, when the vast majority of experiments were carried out on single crystal samples under ultra-high vacuum conditions, to the present, where measurements of more realistic samples under close-to-realistic pressures and operating conditions have become more and more common, mainly through the development of new experimental techniques that have enabled this development. In honor of Miquel Salmeron’s 75th birthday, the program highlights the important role he has played and his many scientific contributions.

The Symposium will begin in the morning and consist of a full day of invited talks by renowned scientists, as well as a general discussion session, which will provide all participants with the opportunity to contribute.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Building 66 Auditorium

8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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