Physics in and Through Cosmology
2024 Workshop - In Person
This year's workshop page where you can
access the talks is coming soon.
July 8-July 12
The Physics Division will host its eighteenth “Physics in and Through Cosmology” workshop for high school physics teachers and students . Mondya July 8- Friday July 12 8:30 am - 4 pm. This summer the workshop will be conducted in person at the Lawrence Berkeley lab. The workshop is designed to create a vibrant learning community that embraces diversity, equity and inclusion for Physics teachers and highly motivated high school students with an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Teachers and students together, will experience an intense overview of cutting-edge research in particle physics and cosmology, with presentations from Berkeley Lab scientists and postdocs. Topics last year included the Higgs boson and other research with the ATLAS experiment at CERN, neutrino physics, the search for dark matter, mapping the universe, measuring dark energy with supernovae, and machine learning. There will be tours of parts of the lab and chances to discuss scientist's research with the scientist. A highlight of the last workshop included a discussion with Nobel Laureate Saul Perlmutter . The workshop was in part supported by QuarkNet and organized by Tony Spadafora of the Physics Division and Laurie Kerrigan a Bay Area Physics teaher. There is no cost to teachers or students.
We have filled all of the student spots for this summer.
Students can go directly to
to apply. Or if you have questions please contact
There is still a teacher spot.
Teachers contact for an application.