
Due to COVID-19 shelter-in-place restrictions, the NERSC-9 Center of Excellence GPU hackathon series has changed its format. The new format is approximately 12 weeks of work, together with NESAP code teams as well as staff from NERSC, HPE, and NVIDIA. Participants meet weekly to discuss progress, challenges, and goals for the duration of the effort. The traditional several-days-long hackathon component has been removed in this new format. Therefore the new format represents a long-term application performance collaboration, instead of a short, intense effort of full-time hacking.

Application teams are expected to provide clear performance goals for the hackathon, as well as a summary of activity after the effort concludes. Participants in this effort are also encouraged to provide continual updates via e-mail, Slack channels, etc. between weekly meetings, in order to ensure that progress is being made.

This is the final hackathon in the NERSC-9 Application Transition Support Center of Excellence.

For more information, please contact Brian Friesen (bfriesen@lbl.gov).