Workshop Agenda


Slides for most of the session presentations are available for viewing in this google drive folder:

Day 1, Tue, Sep 4, 2018

Trouble viewing? View a PDF version here:

Day 2, Wed, Sep 5, 2018

Trouble viewing? PDF version here:

Day 3, Thu, Sep 6, 2018

Day 3 is jointly organized with NERSC Data Day, and will feature overviews of the Machine Learning services and technologies at NERSC and hands-on tutorial sessions on the Cori supercomputer. Please refer to the Data Day webpage for agenda details:

Day 4, Fri, Sep 7, 2018

Day 4 is part of NERSC Data Day, and will feature talks and tutorials on the latest data-focused tools for scientific computing at NERSC. Please refer to the Data Day webpage for agenda details: