Scientific Program

The focus of this workshop is to review recent achievements on heavy flavor production in high energy electron and hadron collisions and discuss future experimental/theoretical efforts towards understanding QCD utilizing heavy flavor probes. Topics covered in this workshop are:

  • Recent open heavy flavor and quarkonia measurements at RHIC/LHC
  • Theoretical developments for heavy quark dynamics in QGP
  • HF/quarkonia production in e/p+p/A collisions
  • Future directions of HF/quarkonia developments in QCD

Previous workshops along the same theme were held in LBNL (2015), Utrecht (2012), Purdue (2011), UCLA (2009), LBNL (2007), BNL (2005).

Worshop agenda can be found in the Indico web site

A PDF version of the agenda can be downloaded here.

Speakers: please upload your presentations to the Indico page before your session starts. If you have any permission issue, please contact the organizers.