
  • Oguz Selvitopi, Saliya Ekanayake, Giulia Guidi, Georgios Pavlopoulos, Ariful Azad, and Aydin Buluç. Distributed many-to-many protein sequence alignment using sparse matrices. In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 2020. [ bib | code |.pdf ]

  • S. Acer, E.G. Boman, S. Rajamanickam, SPHYNX: Spectral Partitioning for HYbrid aNd aXelerator-enabled systems, Ashes IPDPS workshop, May 2020.

  • T Bodenheimer, M Halappanavar, S Jefferys, R Gibson, S Liu, PJ Mucha, N Stanley, JS Parker, SR Selitsky. FastPG: Fast clustering of millions of single cells. bioRxiv 2020.06.19.159749; doi:

  • M Minutoli, M Halappanavar, A Tumeo, A Kalyanaraman, A Vullikanti, and P Sambaturu. "PREEMPT: Scalable Epidemic Interventions Using Submodular Optimization on Multi-GPU Systems." In ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Network, Storage and Analysis (SC’20). Nov 9--19, 2020.

  • R Barik, M Minutoli, M Halappanavar, N Tallent, and A Kalyanaraman. "Vertex Reordering for Real-world Graphs and Applications: An Empirical Evaluation." In IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC-2020). Oct 27–29, 2020. Held virtually.

  • M Minutoli, M Drocco, M Halappanavar, A Tumeo, and A Kalyanaraman. “CuRipples: Influence Maximizationon Multi-GPU Systems.” In proceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS-2020), June 29 - July 2, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.

  • Liu X., M. Halappanavar, K.J. Barker, A. Lumsdaine, and A. Gebremedhin. "Direction-optimizing Label Propagation and its Application for Community Detection." In 17th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers. May 11 - May 13, 2020, Catania, Sicily, Italy.

  • Yusuke Nagasaka, Satoshi Matsuoka, Ariful Azad, and Aydin Buluç. Performance optimization, modeling and analysis of sparse matrix-matrix products on multi-core and many-core processors. Parallel Computing, 2019. [ DOI | code | .pdf ]

  • Ariful Azad and Aydin Buluç. LACC: a linear-algebraic algorithm for finding connected components in distributed memory. In Proceedings of the IPDPS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2019. [ bib | code | .pdf ]

  • A Khan, K Choromanski, A Pothen, S M Ferdous, M Halappanavar, and A Tumeo: Adaptive Anonymization of Data with b-Edge Covers, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 2018.

  • A Khan, A Pothen, and S M Ferdous. "Parallel Algorithms through Approximation: b-Edge Cover". IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2018

  • C Yang, A Buluc, and J D Owens. "Design principles for sparse matrix multiplication on the GPU". In 24th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2018. Distinguished Paper and Best Artifact Awards

  • Y Nagasaka, S Matsuoka, A Azad, and A Buluc. High-performance sparse matrix-matrix products on intel KNL and multicore architectures. In 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW), 2018.

  • S Ghosh, M Halappanavar, A Tumeo, A Kalyanaraman, H Lu, D Chavarria-Miranda, A Khan, and A Gebremedhin. "Distributed Louvain Algorithm for Graph Community Detection." IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2018.

  • S M Ferdous, A Khan, and A Pothen. Two new 3/2-approximation algorithms for edge cover, SIAM CSC 2018

  • A Azad, G A. Pavlopoulos, C A. Ouzounis, N C. Kyrpides, and A Buluc. HipMCL: A high-performance parallel implementation of the Markov clustering algorithm for large-scale networks. Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), 2018.

  • F Dobrian, M Halappanavar, A. Pothen, and A. Al-Herz, "A 2/3-approximation algorithm for vertex-weighted matching in bipartite graphs". arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.08016, 2018.

  • A Azad, A Buluc, X S Li, X Wang, and J Langguth, "A distributed-memory approximation algorithm for maximum weight perfect bipartite matching", arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.09809, 2018

  • H Lu, M Halappanavar, D Chavarria-Miranda, A Gebremedhin; A Panyala, and A Kalyanaraman, "Algorithms for Balanced Graph Colorings with Applications in Parallel Computing," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1240-1256, 2017.

  • A Azad, A Buluc, and A Pothen. "Computing maximum cardinality matchings in parallel on bipartite graphs via tree grafting", IEEE Transactions on Distributed and Parallel Systems, 28(1), pp. 44-59, 2017.

  • A Azad, M Jacquelin, A Buluc, and E G. Ng. "The reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm in distributed-memory". IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2017

  • M Halappanavar, H Lu, A Kalyanaraman, and A Tumeo. “Scalable static and dynamic community detection using Grappolo.” 2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) 12-14 Sept., 2017.

  • A Khan, A Pothen, M Patwary, M Halappanavar, N Satish, N Sundaram, and P Dubey. "Computing b-Matchings to Scale on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors by Approximation". The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 2016.

  • A Khan and A Pothen. A new 3/2-Approximation Algorithm for the b-Edge Cover Problem. SIAM CSC, 2016.

  • A Khan, A Pothen, M Patwary, N Satish, N Sundaram, F Manne, M Halappanavar, and P Dubey. Efficient approximation algorithms for weighted b-Matching. SIAM SISC, 2016.