ES&H Manual (PUB-3000)

The ES&H Manual is moving to the EHS Website!

New address

New addresses for individual chapters (xx = chapter number)

Please update links to this page and to individual chapters before March 31st
(Please note that Chapters 26 and 45 have not yet moved to the EHS website)


1. General ES&H Requirements, Responsibilities, and Work Practices

2. EHS Division Charter

3. Health Services

4. Exposure Assessment

5. Injury Response and Review

6. Work Planning and Control

7. Pressure Safety

8. Electrical Safety Program

9. Matrixed Employee Work Authorization

10. Construction Safety

Appendix A. LBNL Construction Safety Manual

Seismic Safety

11. Environmental Protection

12. Fire Prevention and Protection

13. Gas Safety

14. Electrical Equipment Safety Program

15. Occurrence Reporting

16. Laser Safety

17. Ergonomics

18. Lockout/Tagout Program

19. Personal Protective Equipment

20. Waste Management

21. Radiation Safety

22. Research with Human and Animal Subjects

23. Off-site Work Authorization Policy

24. EHS Training Program

25. Machine Safeguarding – Shop and Lab Machine Safety

26. Biosafety

27. Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging Safety

28. Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks

29. Safe Handling of Cryogenic Liquids

30. Fall Protection Program

31. sJHA Process – Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis

32. Technical Area Designation

33. Welding, Joining, and Thermal Cutting Safety

34. Confined Spaces

35. Elevated Work – Mobile Elevating Work Platforms, Ladders, and Scaffolds

36. Asbestos Hazards and Controls

37. Lead Hazards and Controls

38. Beryllium Hazards and Controls 

39. Noise Hazards Assessment and Control

40. Heat Stress Hazards Assessment and Control

41. Ventilation, Hoods, and HEPA Filters

42. Drinking Water Safety

43. Non-ionizing Radiation

44. Respiratory Protection

45. Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan

46. COVID-19 Prevention Program

47. Controlled Substances Program Plan

48. Aviation Safety

49. Air Quality

50. Environmental Radiological Protection Program

51. Environmental Releases

52. Food and Drink Restrictions in Technical Areas

53. Fixed Treatment Units

54. Transporting and Shipping Hazardous Materials

55. Sanitary Sewer Program

56. Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Program

57. Storm Water Pollution Prevention

58. Underground Storage Tanks

59. [Reserved]

60. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety

61. Soil and Groundwater Management

62. Environmental Monitoring

63. Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Management

64. Smoking Policy