DOE Directives Website Guide

The LBNL Project Management Office (PMO) recognizes that there are a great deal of definitions and acronyms that are unique to the DOE environment that project teams may have some questions about.  Thankfully, the DOE's Directives Program in the Office of Management (MA-1.2) (which oversees the development and maintenance of directives like DOE Order 413.3B) has a useful website that links directly to the DOE Directives and Guidance documents as well providing an easy way for project teams to learn about some important concepts, definitions, terms, and reference documents.  

This PMO guide is intended to help LBNL project teams quickly and easily navigate the DOE Directives website to find relevant information.

Step 1: Navigate to the DOE Directives Website

Open your web browser and navigate to

Step 2: Navigate to the Definitions Page

Click on the "Definitions" link (see red box in image to the right) to navigate to the page showing definitions of key terms in current DOE Directives and Guidance documents.

Step 3: Browse to the Appropriate Letter

Click on the first letter of the term in question in the "Browse" menu on the left of the screen.  For example, to learn more about "Other Project Costs," click on the "O" and scroll down until you locate the "Other Project Costs" entry (see red boxes in image to the right).

Step 4: Navigate to Relevant Source Documents

Click on the "Other Project Costs" entry to see the full definition from each relevant DOE Source document.

NOTE: The Acronyms Page

On the "Definitions" page, there is also an "Acronyms" link to help you find some key DOE acronyms.  For example, the "OPC" acronym for "Other Project Costs" in the red boxes in the image to the right.