

- Proposal due March 22, 23:59, 10% of project (5% of final grade). Proposal is 2 pages max

- Poster sessions are scheduled for April 30th, 11am-2pm and May 2nd, 11am-12:30pm. It will be at the Wozniak Lounge (430-438 Soda). You will be assigned a session after proposals are evaluated. There will be three sessions: (1) April 30, 11am-12:30pm, (2) April 30, 12:30-2pm, and (3) May 2nd, 11am-12:30pm.

- Project final report length limit: 10 pages, single-column standard latex. Due date May 8th. This is a strict deadline as we need to finish grading by the final grades due date.

- Max group size: three people (no major/grad/ugrad group restrictions)

You are encouraged to discuss your preliminary project ideas with instructors. Just request an appointment.


Below are components that will make up your project grade and the first two components are the most important:

(1) Practical content/creativity; implementation/tuning effort

(2) Experimental data: scaling/performance analysis/interesting inputs or outputs

(3) Theoretic content/creativity; design/analysis of algorithms

(4) Impact: difficulty and timeliness of the contribution

We understand that not all projects will have all four components but it is expected that the first two components will be present in all projects. As such, we expect the majority of your final report to be about parallelism, and not the problem description.

Spring 2019 Poster Blitz Session.

Playlist of videos

Here are videos of oral presentations from previous years:

You are welcome and encouraged to have your own project ideas. This is especially true if you want to bring parallelism to your ongoing research projects. In addition, we (as the CS267 team) have a few potential ideas below: