Miscellaneous Storage

Non-hazardous solids and liquids

Such as phosphate buffered saline, sodium chloride, etc. The SDS will state "Not a hazardous substance or mixture."

It is recommended that even non-hazardous liquids be stored in spill trays to prevent spills from damaging surrounding items and equipment. These materials may be stored on the open bench-top, in regular cabinets, or on shelves. However, they may not be stored under the sink. These may also be stored alongside hazardous chemicals as long as they are compatible with all of the other materials. For example, sodium chloride may be stored with hazardous solid chemicals, and phosphate buffered saline may be stored in a mineral acid storage cabinet, a flammable liquid storage cabinet, or a refrigerator if desired.

Lecture bottles of gases

Storage of flammable, corrosive, or toxic gases must comply with the ES&H Manual, Chapter 13, Gas Safety. Contact your Division Safety Representative or the Compressed Gases Subject Matter Expert for help.

When not required to be stored in a ventilated gas cabinet or fume hood, lecture bottles of gases may be stored in fume hoods, in boxes, or in gas cylinder racks, as long as they are not in danger of falling from a bench top or other elevated surface. Lecture bottles do not need to be stored fully upright and do not require chains.

Aerosol and spray cans

Such as aerosolized lubricants and solvents, spray paint, and any pressurized spray cans.

Store these in a regular cabinet or on shelves or the benchtop, out of direct sunlight. Do not store these in a flammable liquid storage cabinet unless that cabinet is dedicated to the storage of aerosol/pressurized spray cans only. These items may not be stored in a flammable liquid storage cabinet with flammable liquids.

Liquefied gas fuel refills

Such as butane and propane refill canisters for torches.

These may be stored in regular cabinets or on shelves or the benchtop, out of direct sunlight. Do not store fuel gas refills in a flammable liquid storage cabinet unless that cabinet is dedicated to the storage of aerosol/pressurized spray cans only. These items may not be stored in a flammable liquid storage cabinet with flammable liquids.


Household bleach and bleach solutions used for disinfection may be stored under the sink. Alternatively, they can be stored on the open benchtop or on shelves, as long as they are in a spill tray. Do not store bleach in a corrosive liquid storage cabinet, a mineral acid cabinet, an alkaline liquid storage cabinet, or a flammable liquid storage cabinet. On contact with incompatible materials, bleach can initiate uncontrolled chemical reactions and release highly toxic gases such as chloramine or chlorine gas.


Contact ChemSafety@lbl.gov for questions, concerns, or recommendations for chemical storage and segregation.