Food & Beverages
Mon-Fri: 7:30am to 2pm at Lot B1 in front of B91
Mon-Fri: 8:00am to 2pm at Lot S near B66 and B67
Find local coffee & food accessible through LBNL Shuttle Routes.
Find local coffee and food along the shuttle route stops
Locate vending machines at the Lab for a quick snack or a refreshing beverage.
Looking forward to enjoying your lunch or break outdoors? The Lab offers more than 40 locations with outdoor seating picnic area.
We love to hear from you. Send us your feedback.
Latest Updates:
Check out our Newest Truck: Vegan Hood Chefs! (check the calendar for their next Lab visit)
The Food Truck Details
Rotating out each day; experience the unique cuisine of each Food Truck that comes onsite!
Current Services:
Monday to Friday in two (2) locations:
Lot B1 in front of B91 has a coffee and food truck, "El Gallo/The Rooster", from 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. and a rotating lunch truck from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Lot S in front of B66 and B67 has a coffee and food truck, "Ceviche" from 8:00 a.m. - 2 p.m.
All food trucks offer vegetarian options and accommodates (to the best of their ability) other dietary restrictions when ordering in person.
Parking & Seatings
One accessible parking spot is available. Parking in the spot will be restricted to 10 minutes for ordering and food pickup only.
There is no additional parking available, however, the location is close to stops for the Blue Route Uphill and Blue Route Downhill shuttles (see map).
Picnic tables are available near the lot.
There is seating inside building 91 in the third floor lounge for badged staff.
Cafeteria has permanently closed since 11/11/22 due to demolition of B54
All COVID protocols must be followed at all times, for latest guidelines, click here.
We love to hear your feedback! Contact us here!