Travel & Conference


If you would like to travel on behalf of Berkeley Lab, please fill out the Travel Authorization Request form.  A member of the BSBK travel team will respond to your request within 1-2 business days.  Failure to obtain travel approvals may result in non-reimbursement of travel expenses.  

BSBK Travel Team

The BSBK Travel Office is here to assist you with all travel related requests from start to finish. We can assist you in obtaining all required travel approvals, booking flights, answering travel related questions and concerns, and preparing and submitting expense reports upon your return. Our goal is to make the travel process as smooth as possible for all travelers. 

You can reach us at We look forward to working with everyone!

I need to cancel my travel plans. How can I do this?

Please reach out to the travel team at right away should you need to cancel travel plans as they will take all required steps with all appropriate offices.

 Can I take personal time while traveling?

Yes. However, if you decide to fly in/out of an airport that is different from your business points, you are responsible for any additional airfare (to be determined by an allowable airfare quote).


(Virtual or In-Person)

If the trip is to a conference or event and is being paid for by DOE funds, the traveler must get approval from Conference Services to attend the event by filling out this form: Attend Event Request (AER).

What is a considered an Event?

Conference Services reviews and approves requests to attend events whether virtually or in-person. They ensure that approval and reporting is performed as required by the Department of Energy (DOE).

Events include conferences, meetings, retreats, seminars, symposiums, or certain activities that include travel and:

Individual events may qualify as conferences without meeting all of the key features listed above, but generally meet some of them.

Events, meetings, and traveling where you are doing work (as opposed to sharing information) are not conferences. For example, if a staff is traveling to another lab to conduct an experiment or decide on how a DOE project should be managed, that is considered “work” and not a conference.

Physical Travel 

(Domestic and Foreign)

Local Travel

What is Local travel?

Local travel is within 150 miles of Berkeley Lab, or the primary worksite, is completed in one calendar day, and does not include lodging, meals, or incidental expenses (M&IE). Local travel costs only include expenses for registration fees, mileage, tolls, and public transportation.

Domestic Travel

What is Domestic travel?

Domestic travel is (1) within the United States and its possessions, (2) travel from a foreign country to the United States, or (3) travel within a foreign country, originating in that same foreign country. Domestic travel costs include transportation costs (air, etc.), lodging, M&IE, and other appropriate travel costs, the details of which are outlined elsewhere in this policy.

Foreign Travel

What is Foreign travel?

Foreign travel is from the United States to a foreign country (including Canada and Mexico) and return, or travel between foreign countries. Foreign travel costs include transportation costs (air, etc.), lodging, M&IE, and other appropriate travel costs, the details of which are outlined elsewhere in this policy.


The Travel Arranger submits reimbursments only for approved Travel Authorizations. Failure to obtain travel approvals may result in non-reimbursement of travel expenses.


Click here for Events (virtual or in person) FAQ's.

Click here for All Travel FAQ's (Travel, Events, Reimbursements, etc.).

Who can I contact with any travel related questions?

Please reach out to or click here for more information on how to Contact Us.