Genome-encoded Bio(nano)materials

Welcome to the Blaby-Haas group home page!! 

We study how biology encodes functionality in genomes, proteins, complexes, and bioproducts. Using computational genomics approaches combined with hypothesis-based experimentation from reverse genetics to structural characterization, we aim to define the foundational design principles needed to build bio-based technologies for addressing challenges in energy and environmental sustainability. 



Leveraging billions of years of evolution to understand biomaterial synthesis and developing new biomaterials with applications in energy and the environmental sustainability.

Algal biodesign

Algae are a complex and disparate group of photosynthetic organisms with exciting potential for designing bio-based carbon dioxide capture to synthetic biomaterials.

Metal nutrients

Understanding how organisms have evolved to use metal ions. We use inter-disciplinary approaches that span from genomics to the molecular mechanisms of proteins. 

New BioMaterials Capability in the Biological Nanostructures Facility at the Molecular Foundry

Looking for post-doc researchers interested in bioinformatics, energy-relevant biomaterials, synthetic biology, or developing new chromatin-imaging techniques to join our group! 

Contact Crysten ( if you are interested.