
AGU Workshop Title:

Toward an International Critical Zone Network-of-Networks for the Next Generation through Shared Science, Tools, Data and Philosophy (#SCIWS8)


9 December 2021, 08:00 - 16:00 CST


Register through the AGU Meeting Page (search for SCIWS8: Toward an International Critical Zone Network of Networks for the Next Generation Through Shared Science, Tools, Data, and Philosophy)

Frequently Asked Questions

2021 Workshop Format

The format for this year's workshop will be virtual.

How to register?

Please note registration for this workshop is a three-part process.

1. Fill out the workshop interest form linked here by November 3, 2021

2. Then register for the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting (December 2021) by going to the AGU Meeting Page. (Note: Registration opens 9/1/2021)

3. After you complete steps 1 & 2, you will receive an invoice by email which will provide instructions on how to pay the registration fee for the workshop to complete your registration. (Note this is a separate cost in addition to your AGU meeting registration) You should receive this email from AGU typically between November 15 - December 1. If you do not receive it by the beginning of December, please email

Registration Cost

The registration fee for the 2021 workshop is as follows:

  • AGU-member participation

    • Students ($20)

    • Regular ($50)

  • Non-member participation

    • Students ($35)

    • Regular ($75)

Funding opportunities are available for the workshop registration with conditions applied.

Invitation Letter

If you need an official invitation letter for your institution to attend the workshop, please email


If you need to cancel your registration, please email Refunds will be handled by AGU and requests will need to be received prior to November 3.