
Hannah, Grade 12

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is an intermediate level art class. Students will create a variety of sculpture projects in wire, bookmaking, cardboard, paper mache, etc. They will also create ceramic pottery and if time allows, throw on the potter’s wheel. This class focuses on design, rather than imagery. If you like to build, rather than draw, this is the class to take. Students must pass the Fall Portfolio to attend the Nelson Atkins Field Trip in the spring.

Prerequisite: Art I


$15 Lab Fee (please pay to me)

#2 Pencil

3 Prong Folder


  • Communicate ideas through artworks by selecting and applying media techniques and processes, subject matter, and themes.
  • Communicate ideas through artworks by selecting and applying art elements and principles.
  • Respond aesthetically to artworks based upon their personal experience and cultural values. Viewers analyze, interpret, and evaluate the quality

of artwork through art criticism.

  • Visual art is connected to performing arts, communication arts, math, science, and social studies.
  • Visually literate citizens understand the role and functions of art in history and culture. Artists influence and are influenced by the cultures and time periods in which they live.