Los Angeles Public Library Information

There are four ways to get e-media from the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL). They are called, Sora, Libby, Hoopla and OverDrive.

The first app is Sora.

Access LAPL through Schoology. You do not need to know your library card number. Watch the video below to learn how.

Sora also has a phone app. Just search the app store for "Sora by overdrive." You then have to search for and select the Los Angeles Unified School District as your school. Then log in with your LAUSD email and password. (Don't try to log in with the Clever option. It won't work.)

The second app is Hoopla. Watch the video.

How to use hoopla

The third app is Libby.

Libby App - LAPL

If a student doesn't have a physical library card and doesn't know their PIN, they can call our InfoNow number at 213-228-7272, verify their name, address and school, and we will look up the student and give them their library card # and PIN.

The fourth app is called OverDrive. Watch the video on it.

E-Reading Tutorials

There is also help from the Los Angeles Public Library below.