Welcome to BSAP Region East

Welcome to the Region East Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) Website!

As the BSAP Administrative Coordinator for Region East in LAUSD, I'm excited to welcome you to our website and guide you through our commitment to Black student achievement.

Our Definition:
Successful Black student achievement is defined by high academic performance, social-emotional awareness and management, and a positive cultural identity. Furthermore, strategies and methods utilized to cultivate these things shall be directly responsive to the unique needs of Black students due in large to the historical and ongoing social and economic conditions experienced by Black people.

On our "Pathway to Success" 

BSAP Tenets:

Let's co-create a thriving narrative for every Black student in Region East. Your involvement is not just welcome – it's essential.

In Service,

Dr. Mark A. Jones
ETO/BSAP Regional Administrative Coordinator, Region East, LAUSD
Email: mark.jones1@lausd.net

BSAP Tenets Deep Dive Updated