Mrs. Esparza-Rodarte's elective classes

Welcome back to foshay learning center 2021-2022

(Bienvenido a la escuela centro de aprendizaje foshay 2021-2022)



Welcome to Project Lead the Way and the Biomedical Sciences Program at Foshay Learning Center High School. We are very excited to be introducing the seventh year of this program to prepare students for careers in biotechnology, medicine and/or a health-related field.

As you may know by now, today’s biomedical science professionals are tackling big challenges to make the world a better place. The Health Careers Academy offers you the opportunity to learn and expose yourselves to new medical challenges. Whether you want to learn about new medical treatments, or want to learn how to practice healthy lifestyle choices, the Health Careers Academy offers you the experience of working with the same tools used by medical/health professionals in hospitals and labs. You will be engaged in compelling, hands-on activities, and work together to find solutions to problems.

To find more specific information on each class click on the title of the class.


(Click on the course you are currently taking)

Estudiantes y padres de familia/tutores legales, por favor revise la silaba del 2do Semestre

(haga un "click" en el curso que esta tomando este semestre)

A student’s path to a health care career starts here, join
Health Careers Academy HOSA Club

Join us build upon the future workforce of health care by partnering with Cal-HOSA, a student-led organization for middle school, high school, and postsecondary students, interested in careers in the health and mental health professions. More than 8,500 California students from more than 190 schools are members of Cal-HOSA, which also serves as a prevention and early intervention model for keeping students from dropping out, and early identification of health/behavioral health problems. (HOSA Website)

HOSA Club, Field Trips, CPR Training, Medical, Dental & Pharmacy Assistant Certificate programs...and much more!! Check it out on the "Extra-Curricular Activities" tab.

Check out the website for more details on the classes & Extra-curricular activities by clicking on the main menu!

And Remember, wear your mask while you are in public!



Tech Tutorials: Click for help on these and more. You got this! I'm here to help you, too.

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2021-2022 Handbook ENG | ESP (Manual del 2020-21)

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