Digital Media (CTE) Pathway

Career Technical Education provides courses that integrate technical training and academics to help students develop the knowledge and skills needed for transitioning to career training, post-secondary education and the workforce. This educational philosophy balances academics with real-world problem solving and relevance in 15 high-employing industry sectors.

The CTE program includes the CTE Model Curriculum Standards aligned with Common Core State Standards and Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Standards for Career Ready Practice describe workplace skills that are expected from graduating students.

Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

The Design, Visual, and Media Arts pathway includes those occupations that use visual art, digital media, and Web-based tools and materials as the primary means of communication and expression. In addition to an understanding of current workplace practice, this career pathway requires the development of knowledge and skills in both visual art concepts as well as new and emerging digital processes by which individuals are able to create and communicate complex concepts in a broad range of occupations and professions.

Sample occupations associated with this pathway:

Digital Animator

Artistic Director

Commercial Artist

Web Designer

Museum Curator