Student Council Board Members




I am in my 3rd year of student council. My job as President is me and the vice president do announcements. I am a 5th grader. I am proud of being in the student council because I get to make ideas about the school spirit. You should join the student council because you get some very cool privileges that a normal student would not get unless they are not in the student council! Endless cool things you can do in student council I recommend you join student council! It's never too late to join the student council. You should today!


Vice President

This is my 2nd year in student council. I am Vice President which means I help with announcements and create ideas. I am a 4th grader. I am very proud to be in student council. If you are in 3th, 4th, or 5th grade, you should join student council next year.  We student council members help our school to make fun ideas for everyone! I love student council!


Creative Director

This is my 2nd year in the student council. I am the Creative Director which means I do videos to help promote spirit weeks! I also tell people in the video what to do, like what position and what to say. The places I record are endless; it may be in the hallway or the play area—wherever I think is best. When I record, I will probably make videos to promote student council. Student council is your best behavior when you're in student council. Student council is for people who think rules should be better.


Press Secretary

This is my first year in student council. I get to tell people what's happening and do announcements through the school. The reason you should join student council is because if you are lucky, you get to make things for the school.