Tree Tops Primary Academy Newsletter

July 2024

Message from Miss White 

End of Year message to Parents from the Principal 

What a fantastic year this has been for Tree Tops! What a lot we have achieved! 

As well as all of the exciting lessons and a variety of school trips and visitors to our school to enhance learning, other highlights include:

Best Ever KS2 SATs Results!

We are so proud that our CEO, Mr Beamish congratulated us on our exceptional SATs results.  "Pupils at Tree Tops Primary Academy  received their KS2 SATs results on 9th July 2024. Their achievements are exceptional and place the academy well above all national average measures. These achievements are reflected across other year groups. It is quite clear that staff at Tree Tops Primary Academy are providing outstanding opportunities for children which are helping to improve their life chances everyday".

Reading: Every pupil has managed to get their name into our Outstanding Book at least once this year! What an achievement! All children have also worked so hard to earn their Lavender Reading badges and awards. We have been so proud of the amount of books read; many children achieved ‘150+ books read!’. They were rewarded with a visit to Lavender’s Book Machine where they were given a gold coin to put into the machine to buy their own book. I’m sure that you are aware that reading is one of our passions at Tree Tops as an accredited Reading School. Reading continues to be an area of excellence. An external report said ‘Tree Tops promotes a culture of joyful reading by  placing reading and books at the centre of the curriculum and providing opportunities  to promote and apply the skills of reading in every subject and at every opportunity.’  Our end of Key Stage 2 results also show the fantastic achievement in reading. We are grateful for your support with developing your child’s reading skills and urge you to read as much as possible with your child over the summer and don’t forget that turning on the subtitles when your child is watching TV or the tablet can double the chances of them becoming good at reading.Without realising, your child will be scanning the words as they watch. A lot of the reading and spelling information will be automatically stored in their brain and will naturally help with developing their reading skills.

Sport: As well as our PE lessons indoors and outside, this year, children have enjoyed Tree Tops Sports Day, a Cricket festival, The LAT Sports Day, various inter school matches and swimming. We have also purchased more outdoor resources for all children to use in PE lessons and at playtimes. 

Music:Tree Tops is widely known for its music expertise! There have been a variety of music performances carried out across this academic year including a trip to the O2 with Young Voices, Rocksteady music lessons and performance, choir performances and our fantastic performance of ‘Annie’ by our Year 6 pupils. Children have also enjoyed music played outside at playtimes and frequent whole school singing at the end of the week. There is no better way to end the week than having 320+ children and adults singing their hearts out together! 

100% Attendance Award:  Congratulations to Autumn who won £50 vouchers of her choice for herself and her parents for 100% attendance.  Well done Autumn!

To our year 6 Students Well done to each and every one of you. Your journey with us has been filled with growth, achievements, laughs and cherished memories, and it is now time for the next chapter in your educational journey – secondary school! I am so proud as I reflect upon the incredible individuals you have become. Throughout your time at Tree Tops, you have shown determination, resilience, and a thirst for learning. You have embraced challenges, overcome obstacles, and celebrated successes, both big and small. Your names will stay in the Outstanding Book for all to see! As you transition to secondary school, remember that you are well-prepared and ready to face the exciting opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Carry with you our school rules of 'Be Kind, Work Hard, Expect the Best’ . You will make new friends, explore new subjects, and discover new talents. Make sure you embrace every opportunity that comes your way, and carry on expecting the very best for yourselves. Good luck Year 6! We believe in you, and we are very proud of you.

What next? 

We are already planning and booking trips, visitors to the school and other exciting learning experiences. We are preparing a whole new set of reading awards for the children to achieve and we are stocking up Lavender’s Book Machine and getting Lavender’s suitcase ready for the first lucky winner! .

Thank you  

Thank you for your continued support. It is always much appreciated. 

Have a lovely Summer. Looking forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 3rd  September (Reception and Nursery on Monday 2nd). 

Best Wishes, Miss White

Miss White | Principal


We will have some staff changes in September:

Our Nursery Lead, Mrs Ashurst, has decided not to return to her role in school following her maternity leave. We are grateful for her hard work here at Tree Tops and wish her well for the future. Thanks very much to Mrs Willis who has been covering in Nursery this year. In September Mrs K Austell will be taking over as Nursery Lead. 

We are proud that Mrs Shaw was promoted by Leigh Academies Trust in May and will be taking on a new role as a trust Attendance Officer in September. This means that she won’t be based at Tree Tops any more but that we will still see her from time to time. I know you will want to join us in thanking her for all of the amazing work that she has carried out at Tree Tops and wish her well for her future career. We will miss her very much but know that she will be fantastic in her new role working across several LAT schools.

Mr Isitt will be joining  year 5.

Welcome to Mrs Cochrane, our new Family Liaison & Attendance Officer. 

Mrs Cochrane will be joining us in September. You will see her on the Wallis Avenue gate most mornings. 

Mrs Cochrane has lots of experience working in schools and is excited to be joining us at Tree Tops.

Out door areas 

We've recently installed new play equipment and canopies in our nursery and early years areas, transforming them into vibrant and inviting spaces. The bright, colorful play structures and shaded areas now offer endless opportunities for imaginative play and outdoor learning, ensuring the children can explore and enjoy the outdoors comfortably, regardless of the weather. The fresh, modern look has not only enhanced the aesthetic appeal but has also created a safer and more engaging environment for our little ones. We feel incredibly fortunate to provide such a beautiful and stimulating setting for the children to grow and learn. 

We Are A Nut Free School

We have a number of children who have a severe, potentially life threatening nut allergies.  The school is therefore now with immediate effect a NUT FREE zone.  Please ensure that your child does not bring any nuts or food items to school which have nuts as a listed ingredient, thank you. 

Absences/late arrivals

It is really important that children are in school every day. 

All absences are being marked as unauthorised and could result in a fine. 


School dinners cost £2.45 a day (£12.25 a week).  Cucina have asked that this is paid on a Monday. Menus can be found on our website. Please pay in advance via the MCAS app.


Please only send in healthy lunches. No sweets and chocolate are allowed in school. Water only in bottles

Early Birds & Night Owls

Before and after school childcare provision. 

Early Birds - £2 weekly or 50p per session 

Night Owls - time now runs to 5.30pm  

If your child attends 3.15pm - 4.30pm - £3 per session

If your child attends 3.15pm - 5.30pm - £7.50 per session (This MUST be booked in advance)

Please pay via the MCAS app 

If you have any questions about upcoming events in the calendar please call the office or send an email to the address below.

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School Office: 01622 754888

Mobile: 07828 622166
