Reception Newsletter

February 2022

We hope you all enjoyed a lovely half term break and are looking forward to another exciting term!

Here is our newsletter for this term, with all of the important information and dates you need to know.

IB Learning Journey

This term's transdisciplinary theme is 'How we organise ourselves'.

We will be exploring the central idea 'Signs and symbols help people interact with the world'.

We will be learning about a range of signs and symbols that the children come across in their school and local environments, as well as looking at some signs that people use to help them communicate with others.

If you would like to contribute from home, we would love to see some pictures of signs or symbols children have spotted.


This term we will be increasing our focus on writing for a purpose. The children will all be receiving their own 'Have a go' books to keep in class, which they will be able to use throughout the day to draw pictures, practise letter formation, write notes or create stories. We will be encouraging children to share the writing they have done with the rest of the class during our carpet sessions.


This term in maths we are exploring numbers 11-20, thinking about how teen numbers are composed and continuing to practise addition, subtraction and comparison skills. We are also continuing to learn how to explain our thinking mathematically.

World Book Day

World Book Day is taking place on Thursday 3rd March 2022. Children are encouraged to dress up as their favourite story book character and bring the book into school to share with their friends.

To celebrate World Book Day and to promote reading for pleasure, we are having a school book fair during the school day on Monday 28th February and Wednesday 2nd March. A letter was previously sent out for this with details on. Reception will be visiting on Monday 28th February. Children will be able to purchase and take away books on the day with payment made by cash sent into school in a clearly named envelope marked “Book Fair”( you can preview books online to get prices) or the children can bring home a” wish list” after they have visited the fair during the school day which you can then use to purchase the book online at home and the books purchased will be sent into school . We look forward to having lots more books for your child to read, share and enjoy.

The book fair is being organised in conjunction with our local Usborne Partner, Laura Nicholls, and every book purchased will go towards brand new FREE books for our school.

Parents Evening

This term's parent consultations will take place in the week beginning 28th March. You will receive information about booking a slot nearer to the end of term.

Off site visits

To support our IB learning this term we are hoping to take the children on short walks around the local area, just outside of the school grounds. This will take place in small groups throughout the school day and we will let parents know when these trips are taking place.