
10 November 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 98%

Julia Donaldson - 93.5%

Banksy - 94%

Maya Angelou  - 97%

Paul O'Grady -  94 %

Steve Backshall - 93%

Emmeline Pankhurst - 96.6%

David Attenborough - 92%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 95%

Well done to Oliver Jeffers class for having the best attendance this week in EYFS.  In KS2 this week, Maya Angelou class are the winning class. We are really pleased at the total attendance for the whole school this week! Well done to everyone! Lets keep this up!

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Kenzie (Knowledgeable) & Jaxon(Caring)

Julia Donaldson Class - Harrison(Thinker) & Dolly(Caring)

Banksy Class - Helin (Knowledgeable)& Reggie (Caring)

Maya Angelou Class - Alfie (Inquirer) & Jackson (Thinker)

Paul O'Grady Class - Joe (Risk-taker) & Albert (Caring)

Steve Backshall Class - Orson(Knowledgeable) & Ibrahim(Risk-taker)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -George  (Risk-Taker) & Darcy (Knowledgeable)

David Attenborough Class - Summer (Reflective) & Oliver (Knowledgeable)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Imogen 

Julia Donaldson Class - Mia

Banksy Class -  Piper

Maya Angelou Class - Leo

Paul O'Grady Class - Bluebell

Steve Backshall Class - Nikolaos

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Kayson

David Attenborough Class - Harrison

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class. At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Oliver Jeffers for winning with a total of 63 reading points this week. 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Sophia

Julia Donaldson Class - Grace

Banksy Class - Hollie

Maya Angelo Class -  Finley

Paul O'Grady Class - Sienna

Steve Backshall Class - Ivy 

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Lexi

David Attenborough Class - Gracie

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Julia Donaldson

This week, Julia Donaldson class have started looking at 2 of our new lines of inquiry: 'Development of community spaces" and "The purpose of celebrations in our community". We have used locational knowledge and directional language to describe where something is on a map and linked this to what things they see in their local area. We have also looked at remembrance Sunday and why this is celebrated; their handprint poppies looked great! We also filled some buckets full of kindness in PSHE when looking at unkind and kind behaviours. Year 1 have also been out exploring our school grounds looking for signs of Autumn and linking this to the weather. We have started a new book and the children have been thoroughly enjoying learning about Ned the hedgehog and how he needed to find his home! They have also started Gymnastics which they performed brilliantly in, demonstrating their shape skill and even putting these into a short routine! Everyone has been working so hard this week in all of their learning and we are excited for the next few weeks ahead!

Emmeline Pankhurst

Year 5 have settled back into school routines well and have got stuck right in with learning.  We have been enjoying reading our new class text called 'No ballet shoes in Syria' and exploring migration and how this occurs.  In History, we have been researching the role of women and how gender equality has significantly changed over time and in Geography, we have been learning map skills and how to use six-figure grid references to describe locations on a map including using a key.  

School information

Half Term Writing Competition

Thank you to all the children who entered our writing competition over the half term. We had some fantastic entries and it was extremely hard to choose our overall winners. Each child who entered has received a certificate of participation and their work will be displayed. 

Congratulations to our 5 winners who have each won a £5 voucher for our book fair: 

Charlie - Oliver Jeffers Class

Tilly - Banksy Class

Charlie - Maya Angelo Class

Freddy - Paul O'Grady Class

Rose - Sir David Attenborough Class

Book Fair

Our annual book fair has been delivered and will stay with us until next Thursday. You are invited to come into the school hall from Friday 10th November - Wednesday 15th November to purchase books at the fair.  A Scholastic book fair is a pop-up celebration of reading all while raising rewards to spend on free books and essential resources for our school.    

Scholastic also has this fantastic resource called chapter one where authors read one chapter from their books to get children excited and engaged with reading. You can access this free resource below:

Remembrance Service

Miss Brading led our Remembrance Service today as sadly Reverend Gwilt was unable to join us.  We learnt that it has been 104 years since the first two-minute silence was held, since the Cenotaph was unveiled and the first poppies were sold to help veterans.  The children reflected on why we have Remembrance Day, discussed why we wear poppies and held our own two minute silence to remember those who gave their lives in service. 

Some of our pupils were able to wear their Cubs uniforms in school today as part of the Scouts' Poppy challenge to raise awareness of Remembrance. 

House points

Last year we completed pupil voice with the children around behaviour and our reward systems.  Something that came out of this was children saying that they didn't feel that house points achievements were recognised enough. We have listened to the children's feedback and this year we are implementing house point badges! This will mean that those children who have managed to achieve 100 (Bronze), 200 (Silver) or 300 (Gold) house points will receive a coloured badge that they can wear with pride on their uniforms. The pupils will still receive a certificate and prize for this achievement too.

Class Stars

As  an extra reward in class we have implemented class stars. This is something that the whole class can work towards together to earn a joint treat, this could be watching a film clip, having extra play, chromebook time,  a visit from Arlo or something else that they feel they would enjoy.  To earn this treat the class must work together to complete all 10 stars  This module as the classes start to earn their 10 stars we will share with you rewards that they have chosen. 

Mini Youth Games

On Thursday 9th November, some children from Year 4 attended a MYG in Basketball. The children worked very well as participating and working well as a team, with other schools also commenting on this. The children played in 8 different matches, all working well to achieve a shared goal. They all had a fantastic day and commented about how much they enjoyed themselves. We look forward to the next competition! 


School Uniforms

‘Wonderfully Made’ is a school uniform ministry that aims to support families that are struggling to afford school uniform items.  Whilst many schools now run ‘preloved shops’ in house, there are still instances where children and young people lack the necessary uniform. 

‘Wonderfully Made’ works alongside front-line providers such as social workers, early help, Homestart, CAP, Foodbank and schools to support families in need to ensure that children can attend school with dignity and that their experience of school and educational attainment is not impeded through a lack of uniform.

This ministry operates as a referral system. A simple form is completed by the referrer and emailed to  There are supplies of good quality second hand clothing that we draw from in the first instance but where stock is limited or unavailable, uniform items are purchased from new. 

We are always grateful to receive good quality uniform items, especially logoed, to ensure we can continue to meet the growing needs across Medway as efficiently and equitably as possible. Get in touch if we can be of support to you.