
2nd February 2024


Oliver Jeffers -  93%

Julia Donaldson -  76%

Banksy -  94%

Maya Angelou  -  92%

   Paul O'Grady - 91%

Steve Backshall - 96%

Emmeline Pankhurst -  87%

David Attenborough -  99%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 91%

Well done to Banksy class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.   In KS2 this week, David Attenborough class have won due to having almost 100% attendance! Let's hope our attendance improves next week and into module 4. 

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Imogen (Thinker) & Edward (Caring)

Julia Donaldson Class - Jamie (Reflective) & Ananya (Knowledgable)

Banksy Class - Harleigh -May(Caring) & Reggie (Knowledgable)

Maya Angelou Class -  Ruby (Risk-taker) Archie (Balanced)

Paul O'Grady Class - Lillie (Principled) & Brayden (Thinker)

Steve Backshall Class -  Grace (Communicator) & Richard (Inquirer)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Daniel (Communicator) & Callum (Knowledgeable)

David Attenborough Class -  Angel (Principled) Lewis (Risk Taker)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Teddy

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie H

Banksy Class - Isabelle J

Maya Angelou Class - Ollie

Paul O'Grady Class - Jayce

Steve Backshall Class - Franklin

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Rihanna

David Attenborough Class - Thomas

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to David Attenborough Class for winning with an amazing total of 121 reading points this week! They enjoyed a Pizza Party as a special treat for their hard work this week!

Oliver Jeffers Class - Brooke

Julia Donaldson Class - Izabella 

Banksy Class - Tilly

Maya Angelo Class -  Charlie

Paul O'Grady Class - Mya

Steve Backshall Class - Poppi

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Lily FG

David Attenborough Class - Bobby 

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Julia Donaldson

This term, Year 1 have been working extremely hard across all their subjects!  They have particularly enjoyed studying David Attenborough and inquiring about his studies of the natural world.  In PE, they have been demonstrating brilliant dance skills which they cannot wait to show off to the parents next week.  In Maths, the children have loved working on doubling and are showing a great understanding in this.  We have also been looking at the world around us and natural patterns, where they have explored outside for features of Winter, investigated and experimented with different materials, studied the countries in the United Kingdom and used different tools to paint the four seasons.  Year 1 have also shined in their writing this week with a biography on David Attenborough and their own version of Lila and the Secret of Rain.  We have even had a class shop where they were learning how to pay for different things in PSHE!

Emmeline Pankhurst

This term,  Year 5 have enjoyed reading our class text 'Holes' and have had lots of discussions and writing opportunities supported by the text.  So far, we have written diary entries, setting descriptions and newspaper reports. Linking to our History, the children have been able to make comparisons with our class text to the US Civil Rights movement and segregation laws in the USA. We have learnt about Rosa Parks and the bus boycott as well as Martin Luther King Jr and his speech 'I have a dream'.  

School information

100 House points!

Congratulations to our first 100 house point winners!

Paisley and Franklin in Maya Angelou Class. This such an achievement and you should both be so proud!

Class Stars

The children have been working really hard in their classes to earn their 'class stars'. So far each class have earned:-

Oliver Jeffers - Bring a teddy to school and a Christmas Film.

Julia Donaldson - PJ day with a film and teddy bears picnic.

Banksy class -Extra playtime and the introduction of our class teddies

Maya Angelou - Class party!

Paul O’Grady and Steve Backshall - Own clothes day.

Emmeline Pankhurst - Own clothes / PJ day with film and teddy bears picnic.

David Attenborough - Extra playtime and a football afternoon.

NSPCC Number Day

Wow! What a fantastic Maths day we have had in support of the NSPCC.  The children have really enjoyed coming into school dressed as a digit and it's been great to see how creative they've been.

Thank you so much to the parents who were able to come in and take part in some Maths workshops, the children really enjoyed showing you their Maths learning and a huge thank you to everyone who donated. We have raised £144.50 for the NSPCC which will go towards helping children across the country.


Safer Internet Day  6th February 

Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to focus on online safety with your child, whatever their age. This year’s theme is all about change and influence online and we have created a range of pages to help you talk about these issues and ideas with your child, no matter how much time you have and in an age-appropriate way.

Safer Internet Day 2024 is celebrated on 6th February 2024, with thousands of people across the UK working together to champion youth voice and engage in conversations about how we can all work together to make the internet a great and safe place.

Help and advice for you as a parent or carer

Below we look to answer some of the key questions you may have this Safer Internet Day.

Read more about the theme of the day.

Staying up to date with what children are doing online can feel like a challenge sometimes. Here are a few simple steps you can take to help bridge the gap.

The easiest way to address this is to research the game or app before you download it, to see what it is and what it offers e.g., in-app purchases, or connection with others etc.

It’s important to think carefully before getting any kind of device for your child. Not only can it be an expensive decision, it’s also necessary to consider the 5 ‘Ws’.

Children begin to be influenced by the content they watch as soon as they’re old enough to go online.

Influencers are people who use their internet presence, celebrity status, or relationship with their audience to affect the behaviour of their followers.

Lots of young people are turning to the internet to talk about issues they’re passionate about, to help raise awareness, and promote social change.

Information to help you, if you need to make a report on an app, game, or website.

If you want more information about specific online safety issues, there are a range of places that you can go.

Film for parents and carers

Watch the official 2024 Safer Internet Day film for parents and carers.
