
8th December 2023


Oliver Jeffers -   91%

Julia Donaldson -   85%

Banksy -   95%

Maya Angelou  -   93%

   Steve Backshall -   96%

Emmeline Pankhurst -  91 %

David Attenborough -  94%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  -  91%

Well done to Banksy class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.  In KS2 this week, Steve Backshall class has the best attendance for this week, so a huge congratulations to them too. Both classes have had the best attendance for a few weeks now which is fabulous!

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - The whole class for their superb performances of the nativity (Principled, Communicator, Balanced)

Julia Donaldson Class - Joshua (Principled) & Jamie (Thinker)

Banksy Class - Ryleigh (Knowledgeable) & Isabelle J (Reflective)

Maya Angelou Class - Jackson (Thinker) Edward (Principled )

Paul O'Grady Class - Joe (Communicator) Brayden (Principled)

Steve Backshall Class -  Grace (Principled) Austin (Communicator)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Ruby (Risk-Taker) & Phoebe (Thinker)

David Attenborough Class -  Val (Knowledgeable) Ava (Caring)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - James

Julia Donaldson Class - Lenny H

Banksy Class - Jessica

Maya Angelou Class - Lauren

Paul O'Grady Class - Jayce

Steve Backshall Class - Archie

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Callum

David Attenborough Class - Cody

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Reception Class for winning with a total of 55 reading points this week. 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Imogen

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie D 

Banksy Class - India

Maya Angelo Class -  Amelia

Paul O'Grady Class - Izzy

Steve Backshall Class - Nikos

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Pip

David Attenborough Class - Teddy T

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Julia Donaldson

This week Julia Donaldson class have been working hard over a number of different subjects. They have explored 3D shapes and giving reasons to why some shapes are not suitable for building a tower. In English, they have been studying the book 'The Lonely Christmas Tree' and have been looking at rhyming words, adjectives and have started writing a beautiful narrative based on the original story. We have also been looking at collage in Art where they have been able to produce some beautiful stained glass windows which they designed using digital painting. Last week Julia Donaldson class were also able to use the wall bars last week during PE and demonstrated their incredible risk taking skills and fundamental skills in gymnastics. Year 1 have also been amazing us with their Nativity practices and we cannot wait for you all to see it! 

Emmeline Pankhurst

On Tuesday, Year 5 visited Rochester Cathedral to take part in Medway Music Association's annual carol concert. This was an amazing day and the children represented our school impeccably.  

We sang a variety of carols along with other schools in Medway and we were then able to perform our songs to parents and carers after. 

Year 5 have put together a google slides presentation to show their day at the Cathedral. 

Christmas Carol Concert

School information

Our Marking Code & The Power of 'Yet'!

This module in our assemblies, we have been thinking about how to be resilient learners and the power of a little word...'yet'. The Power of ‘Yet’ comes from an idea called Growth Mindset. This is the idea that our intelligence will grow and develop if we keep trying.  We spoke about times where we had found something challenging, such as learning to ride a bike, or how to do short division. The children recognised that when challenged, if they gave up, they wouldn't learn anything new. We discussed that new learning requires hard work, effort and how all of us can always learn and improve. 

From this, we developed our new marking code with our teaching staff, and shared it with the children in assembly for their approval. We all know how our teachers can show us how to move our learning on. It is not a negative if we cannot complete something the first time, it just means we're not confident with it...yet! Next time you are in school, take a look in our books to see our marking. At home, you might enjoy having a listen to our 'Power of Yet' song that we've been enjoying in our assemblies too. 

Marking Code - Children's Copy .pdf

Attendance Reminder 


Parents/carers are asked to contact the school on the first day of absence to provide the reason for the absence and where possible on each subsequent day of absence.

Where Office Staff are not made aware of the reason for a child's absence they will, wherever possible, contact parents/carers by telephone on the first day of absence.

If any member of staff is concerned about a reason for absence, the Vice Principal or Principal should be informed.

If a child is kept off from school due to illness for 4 or more days and medical advice has not been sought (proof of which will need to be provided) then we would not be able to authorise these days. 

For some illnesses, such as chickenpox, the school will seek advice from the Department of Health.

Peninsula East Christmas Fair 

Thank you so much to everyone that came along to our Christmas fair and in particular we would like to extend our gratitude for organising the event to the PEPA PTA and Miss Goldfinch.  All worked collaboratively to organise the event and it was very much appreciated.  Thank you also to all of our parents and carers who came along to support the event, all of the money raised will go back into the school to support our pupils in further opportunities to enrich the curriculum.  Santa ensured that he didn't miss a chance to pop by and many of the children had an opportunity to visit him and receive a gift.  The Christmas raffle was particularly popular, with many fantastic prizes on offer and gifted to the event by many local businesses, so we also want to thank them for their support.  It was certainly very festive and enjoyed by all and we can't wait for the next one! We may even have an Easter fair next year so please watch this space!

Language Club 

Language club has come to an end and what a successful club it was. The children had a great time learning about different cultures. The children had a lot of agency during this club as they were able to create their own slides and games to teach the other children. The children that created these resources were pleased with the engagement of the other children. It has been a great pleasure having the children in our language club! 

Big shout out to all the children who made some engaging and fun activities.


Local Christmas Events for families