Oaks Primary Academy Newsletter

26th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to you all on the final day of a jam-packed term. You will see from this newsletter that each class has enjoyed fantastic learning opportunities and hopefully come home sharing brilliant stories about their learning.

We have had a trip to the zoo, engineering competitions, rounders tournaments, cricket coaching, Coronation celebrations, visitors who have auditioned on Britain's got Talent and worked for ITV and so much more!

Seeing your children light up and love their learning is what we are so passionate about and we thank you for fueling their love of learning by taking an interest in home learning. When children see that people at home are interested about their learning it makes them feel extremely special and motivates them.

Please remember a few things...

Best wishes and have a lovely half term,

Mr Moore

Social Media - School Accounts

Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter  to keep informed with updates and photos 

about what's happening during the school week. 

Key Dates for Term 6: 

Visit our webpage for up to date planned events for the next two terms, including sports day, Oaksfest and school trips. 


Monday 5th June - Term 6 begins 

Tuesday 6th June - Ducklings Nursery Open Event, 10am - 11am (prospective parents welcome)

Wednesday 7th June - Ducklings Nursery Open Event, 1:30pm - 2:30pm (prospective parents welcome)

Thursday 8th June - Ducklings Nursery Open Event , 3:30pm - 4:30pm (prospective parents welcome)

Tuesday 13th June - Class Photos (children to come to school in their uniform and bring PE kit if needed)

Tuesday 20th June - Year 5 Trip The Amelia Scott Art Gallery

Wednesday 21st June - Words First Parent's Workshop

Friday 23rd June - Sports Day (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2  in the morning and  - KS2 in the aftermoon) exact details will follow in the first week back

Friday 30th June - INSET Day - no school for pupils 


Wednesday 5th July - Celebrating 75 Years of the NHS. Children invited to wear blue

Wednesday 12th July - Years 1 & 2 Trip to Kent Life

Friday 14th July - Oaksfest - from 1pm on the school field - information to follow early in Term 6. 

Thursday 20th July - Year 6 Leavers Service (details to follow)

Thursday 20th July - Last day of Term 6

Friday 21st July - INSET Day - no school for pupils 


Every half term we will now undertake an attendance review. If your child’s absence drops below 96% you will now receive a letter informing you that their attendance will be monitored by Mrs Osborne and SLT for a specified period of time, and you will be asked to provide medical proof of your child’s illnesses. 

If your child’s attendance drops below 90%, you will be asked to attend a formal attendance meeting to discuss any issues and to look at ways we can support you in improving their attendance. The school is very aware that some children have medical or personal circumstances which negatively impact on attendance on a long-term basis and we are dedicated to supporting families where this may be the case.